- Human factor: Methodology of proactive qualimetry of air traffic controllers error threats
- Scientific research and development: world practice and domestic experience
- National classifier of Ukraine. Rubricator of scientific and technical information SC 022: 2008 (State Classifier 022:2008)
- Technology transfer: mechanisms and tools
- Be successful in terms of information overload
- Problems of innovation activities and technology transfer
- Prospects for scientific and technological partnership of Ukraine with the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America
- Innovations and technologies for the development of a green resource-efficient economy of Ukraine
- Problems of innovative development and information society
- Intellectual property management office: creation, operation, efficiency
- Review of scientific approaches to defining the essence and models of innovation and technology transfer
- Science of Ukraine: resource provision, research effectiveness, indicators of international rankings
- Scientific and technical activities: systems and mechanisms of public administration, indicators of international comparisons, the effectiveness of research and development
- Information support of innovative development: world and domestic experience
- Measuring of the green growth in Ukraine: concepts, systems of indicators, the experience of formation and prospects of application
- Innovation activity and its impact on economic development in Ukraine
- Scientific and technical sphere of Ukraine according to the results of monitoring and indicators of international ratings
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Open access monographs
- Analysis of the global scientific and technological research on the critical technology "Equipment and technologies of electronic warfare and reconnaissance, positioning and navigation" using the tools of the platforms Web of Science and Derwent Innovation
- Scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in Ukraine: state and effectiveness
- State support and the status of implementation of priority areas of scientific research and development
- State support for priority areas of innovation activity and their implementation in 2023
- Wartime Risks: Impact on Science, Technology, Innovation, and Prospects for Sustainable Development in Ukraine
- Indicators for assessing the impact of science, technology, innovation on the achievement of the SDGs
- Nonlinear oscillations: numerical polyharmonic simulating
- New instruments of science and innovation policy
- Technological trends directly related to “Military shipbuilding”
- Defense-industrial complex: scientific and technological trends
- Global technology trends in Military aviation
- Analysis of world technological trends in the field of marine research
- Analysis of world technological trends in the military sphere
- Promising world scientific and technological areas of research in the field of "Water"
- Foresight in Ukraine in 2019-2020
- Promising global scientific and technological research areas in the field of "Marine Resources"
- Global technological trends in the field of weapons and military equipment
- Global technological trends in the context of separate sustainable development goals
- Promising world scientific and technological research areas in the field of "Waste products"
- World scientific and technological trends in the field of ensuring national security
- National Repository of Academic Texts: Open Access to Scientific Information: monograph
- Eco-innovation in a resource efficient economy
- Scientific report on green transformation in Ukraine
- State support of scientific activities: the condition, results, scientific and technical priorities
- The mutual influence of the economy and the natural environment in the modern world: politics, strategies, technologies
- Nanotechnology in the XXI century